July 27, 2024

The Warrior Priesthood Revolution

CHAPTER 19 (Half -1)

“The SECRET of the Kingdom of God has been given to you,” (Mk. 4:11)

Greater than every other subject, Jesus Christ who was God within the flesh (Jn. 10:30), talked concerning the Kingdom of God again and again. Bible students inform us that the undisputed coronary heart of all Jesus’ key teachings heart across the theme of the “Kingdom of God.” The KINGDOM is talked about greater than every other subject within the New Testomony (162 occasions). So why is there nonetheless a lot debate and confusion amongst fashionable theologians and Christians right this moment about if the Kingdom of God has come or Not? Jesus mentioned, “However to these on the surface every part is claimed in parables in order that, “‘they might be ever seeing however by no means perceiving, and ever listening to however by no means understanding; in any other case they may flip and be forgiven!” (Mk. 4:11-12). Jesus informed parables in public to unbelievers, however he privately revealed the Secrets and techniques of God to his disciples. Jesus mentioned, “For every part that’s HIDDEN will finally be introduced into the open, and each SECRET can be dropped at Mild,” (Mk. 4:22). Jesus mentioned, “he who has (religious) ears, let him hear,” (Mk. 4:9). Jesus additionally mentioned, “… I’ve come into this world, in order that the blind will see… ” (Jn. 9:39). “These are the issues God has REVEALED to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all issues, even the DEEP THINGS of God,” (1 Cor. 2:10).

Might there probably be Hidden Keys of God that may unlock the Secret to Data? Jesus was a radical insurgent who condemned the spiritual leaders of his day for taking away the Key to Data: “Woe to you consultants within the legislation, as a result of you’ve got taken away the Key to Data. You yourselves haven’t entered, and you’ve got hindered those that had been getting into,” (Lk. 11:52). The Bible speaks of the data of the Secrets and techniques of the Kingdom of Heaven (Mt. 13:11); the Mysteries of Christ and God’s Will (Eph. 3:4); and the Hidden Manna (Rev. 2:17). The Holy Ghost teaches us all issues (Jn. 14:26): “The ANOINTING you acquired from him stays in you, and you don’t want anybody to show you,” (1 Jn. 2:27). Actually, as a result of the Holy Ghost revealed “Secret Issues” (Deut. 29:29) to the Apostle Paul, we are actually capable of perceive the mysteries of God that the Outdated Testomony prophets and the angels couldn’t even perceive of their time (Eph. 3:3-5; 1 Pet. 1:11-12). The Bible tells us that many Mysteries of God can be sealed up till the top of time (Dan. 12:4; Rev. 10:4). So, if we’re presently residing within the Finish Occasions, what is that this Kingdom Secret?

THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS IN OUR MIND ~ We’ve got the Thoughts of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16)

“The Coming of the Kingdom of God isn’t one thing that may be noticed, nor will folks say, ‘Right here it’s,’ or ‘There it’s,’ as a result of the Kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU,” (Lk. 17:20-21)

Many Christians who pray the lord’s prayer are nonetheless ready for “Thy Kingdom to Come,” (Mt. 6:10). They’re informed that when Jesus returns, he’ll rapture them as much as God’s Kingdom. However, Jesus informed us to hope that God’s can be accomplished on earth. After Jesus resurrected from the lifeless and ascended to heaven, he despatched the Holy Spirit to invade planet earth, and his Church was born on Pentecost. Jesus informed his followers that the Kingdom of God has already come: “if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the Kingdom of God has come to you” (Lk. 11:20; Mt. 12:28). The identical verb “has come” (ephthasen) is used repeatedly, and it clearly means “is now current” (Rm. 9:31; 2 Col. 10:14; Phil. 3:16; 1 Thes. 2:16). Paul mentioned, “Let this Thoughts be in you, which was additionally in Christ Jesus,” (Phil. 2:5).

The Secret of the Kingdom of God is realizing that God’s Kingdom exits “Inside Us” within the “spirit dimension” the place Jesus is King. So, if Jesus is the King of your coronary heart and Life, then the Kingdom is Inside You. Realizing and understanding the Kingdom of God, begins with the work of God’s Spirit in our hearts and Minds. By means of the ANOINTING, baptism and steering of the Holy Spirit, believers can have the “Thoughts of Christ.” Our hearts and minds can rise from the religious deadness of being blind and ignorant to realizing our future Everlasting life in our glorified our bodies – to by no means develop outdated and turn out to be immortal. By constantly spending time with Christ by means of prayer and meditation, studying and learning God’s Phrase, and fellowshipping with God’s folks, we are able to have some perception into God’s plans, ideas, and actions. God created us to worship him in His Kingdom in our minds and to like him with all our coronary heart, soul, energy, and thoughts (Lk. 10:27).

HOW CAN WE ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD-? ~ Repent and be Born Once more-!

“Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven has come close to,” (Mt. 4:17)

Jesus’ first command when he began preaching was to Repent. The phrase translated as ‘Repent’ (Greek phrase “metanoia”) means to have a change of thoughts and coronary heart (to suppose in another way about one thing). On this case, that “One thing” is the Kingdom of God that has come close to. The urgency was that God had invaded earth in Jesus Christ and man didn’t want any out of date Organized Religions anymore (Heb. 8:13). Jesus and John the Baptist had been each Sacrilegious rebels that opposed Organized Faith (Mt. 3:2). John condemned his spiritual leaders as a “brood of vipers” (Mt. 3:7) or a household of snakes. John was primarily calling his church leaders of the day “sons of serpents” or devils. Jesus additionally repeated this: “You brood of vipers! How will you converse good, if you end up evil” (Mt. 12:34)? Jesus cleansed the Temple twice (Jn. 2:15; Mt. 21:12), and he was charged with Blasphemy for therapeutic the sick on the Sabbath (Mk. 3:3). Jesus desires us to REPENT – flip away from the SIN of believing in Institutional Religions to Save Us.

Each Jesus and John the Baptist are commanding us to REPENT or flip from our ritualistic, conventional, spiritual formalism (all Organized Religions) and to give up to Jesus our King. The Apostle Peter offers us additional steering on what we should do. At Pentecost, he knowledgeable his fellow Israelites that, “… God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, each Lord and Messiah.” When the folks heard this, they had been minimize to the guts and mentioned to Peter, “Brothers, what lets do?” Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, each considered one of you, within the identify of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you’ll obtain the reward (ANOINTING) of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:37-38).


“Very really I inform you, nobody can enter the Kingdom of God except they’re born of Water and the Spirit,” (Jn. 3:5)

Jesus informed the Jewish Excessive Priest Nicodemus that he should be “Born Once more” to enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus referred to being bodily born of water (in our mom’s womb) and being spiritually reborn to see God’s Kingdom. This was and nonetheless is a revolutionary idea – just like “THE MATRIX” film: “Neo discovers that he’s residing in a world that has been created to cover the reality from people, wherein individuals are stored as slaves. He learns the reality and his religious eyes are opened to see “God’s Kingdom.” We enter the Kingdom by Religion. Being born once more prepares us to “rule collectively as kings” with Christ (2 Tim. 2:12). How are we born once more? “In the event you declare together with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and consider in your coronary heart that God raised him from the lifeless, you’ll be saved,” (Rom. 10).

The Apostle Paul tells us that those who have solely been baptized in water as a ritual to affix a church are incomplete: “For John baptized with Water, however in a couple of days you’ll be Baptized with the Holy Spirit,” (Acts 1:5). They haven’t acquired the Present of the Holy Spirit, as a result of they haven’t been Anointed (baptized) by the Holy Spirit. That is confirmed by Paul within the E-book of Acts (19:2-6). Paul states: “Now it’s God who makes each us and also you stand agency in Christ. He ANOINTED us, set his seal of possession on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what’s to come back,” (2 Cor. 2:21-22). So, if we should be Anointed by the Holy Spirit – Did the Father anoint the Son – Jesus with OIL -?

GOD ANOINTED JESUS WITH HOLY OIL ~ As our Everlasting “Excessive” Priest-!

“Due to this fact God, your God, has set you above your companions by ANOINTING you with the Oil of Pleasure,” (Heb. 1:9)

The Apostle Paul within the ebook of Hebrews, quotes the above verse from the Outdated Testomony, the place it states that God will Anoint the Messiah with the Oil of Pleasure (Psalm 45:7). This was a prophecy about Jesus being anointed with the Oil of Pleasure to turn out to be the long run Messiah. Within the New Testomony, Jesus fulfills this prophecy when he quotes the prophet Isaiah, who states that God will Anoint the long run Messiah (Jesus) with the Oil of Gladness (Is. 61:1). Jesus mentioned, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, as a result of he has ANOINTED me to proclaim excellent news to the poor. He has despatched me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and restoration of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,… ” (Lk. 4:18). Paul additionally says that, “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and energy,… ” (Acts 10:38).

The New Testomony reveals three (3) extra accounts of Jesus being ANOINTED. The primary occasion occurred in the home of Simon the Pharisee, at the very least two years earlier than the Crucifixion, when John the baptist was nonetheless alive. An unknown lady who was a infamous sinner (prostitute) ANOINTED Jesus’ toes. Jesus forgave her sins and likewise rebuked Simon for not Anointing his head with Oil (Lk. 7:36-50). The subsequent occasion occurred in the home of Lazarus in Bethany, six days earlier than the Passover. At the moment Mary, the sister of Lazarus and Martha ANOINTED Jesus’ toes (Jn. 12:1-8). The final ANOINTING of Jesus occurred in the home of Simon the Leper in Bethany, simply earlier than Jesus was crucified. An unknown lady ANOINTED Jesus’ head (Mt. 26:6-13).

THE ANOINTED ONE ~ Christ’s Title (“You’re the Christ,” Mk. 8:29)

“Christ liked us and gave himself up for us as a Aromatic Providing,” (Eph. 5:2)

Do you know that Jesus’ final identify isn’t “CHRIST”? Actually, his first identify isn’t and by no means was “Jesus.” Actually? His mother and father Mary and Joseph gave him a fairly widespread Jewish identify – Yeshu’a (Joshua). Christ isn’t and by no means was Jesus’ final identify. Jesus was prophesied because the promised Messiah (the Christ) or world savior within the first historic path prophecy in Genesis (Gen. 3:15). The Hebrew phrase for Christ is Messiah and the Greek phrase for Messiah is Christ. Each imply the Anointed One. So Jesus is the Christ or the Messiah. He’s the ANOINTED one. CHRIST isn’t his final identify, however his title – Jesus the Christ (Messiah, Savior) or Jesus the Anointed One. Jesus was made the Christ by being ANOINTED by God’s Holy Anointing Oil in Heaven (Heb. 1:9). Jesus needed to be baptized by John and Anointed by the Holy Spirit into the MELCHIZEDEK priesthood and begin his ministry to turn out to be the Excessive Priest and the Holy Sacrifice for our sins. The muse of Jesus’s Priesthood relies on being within the order of Melchizedek: “You (Jesus) are a Priest ceaselessly, within the order of Melchizedek.” That is documented 7 occasions (Ps. 110:4, Heb.: 5:6, 10; 6:20; 7:1,11,17).

CHRISTIANS ARE CALLED ~ The Anointed Ones (“little Christs”)

Paul mentioned, “We’re like a sweet-smelling AROMA “Incense” supplied by Christ to God,” (2 Cor. 2:15)

It was in Antioch that the disciples of Jesus had been first referred to as “Christians” or little Christs (Acts 11:26). The title started as a slanderous nickname (just like a Jesus Freak), till the world found that these “little Christs” had been additionally ANOINTED by Jesus and the Holy Spirit to carry out indicators and wonders. It was by the lives of those first followers of Jesus that modified the world by means of their ANOINTING, that the title Christian turned a reputation of admiration, respect and surprise. The Apostle Paul mentions two items God offers us once we turn out to be believers: (1) The Seal of Possession – this exhibits who our Grasp (King) is, and (2) The Holy Spirit – This exhibits that Jesus “ANOINTED us, set his seal of possession on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what’s to come back,” (2 Cor. 1:21-22). The ANOINTING (Oil) of the Holy Spirit’s energy works in us to remodel us now, and what we expertise now could be only a style of the overall change we’ll expertise in eternity. Paul repeats this educating once more: “… If you believed, you had been marked in him with a Seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who’s a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance till the redemption of those that are God’s possession-to the reward of his glory,” (Eph. 1:13-14). As well as, Luke writes to “Theophilus” (Lk. 1:3-4), who’s quoted with saying the next: “Are you unwilling to be anointed with the Oil of God? Wherefore we’re referred to as Christians on this account, as a result of we’re anointed with the Oil of God,” (Theophilus of Antioch, 181 AD). So, does the Outdated Testomony point out anybody being Anointed with Holy Oil-?

THE “HIDDEN” HOLY ANOINTING OIL ~ Within the Outdated Testomony-! (Ex. 30:23-25)

“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, as a result of the Lord has ANOINTED me to… to bestow on them… the OIL OF JOY as an alternative of mourning… ” (Is. 61:1-3)

Within the ebook of Exodus, we are able to learn the place the Lord God first gave Moses a particular recipe for a sweet-smelling (fragrance) Holy Anointing Oil. They burned oil for the sunshine within the tabernacle. Oil is an emblem of God’s Holy Spirit (Mt. 25:7). God directed the Israelites to make use of this sacred ANOINTING Oil to burn Incense within the tabernacle and to anoint Aaron and the Levitical Priesthood. The holy “Oil of Anointing” shaped an integral a part of the ordination of the priesthood and the Excessive Priest in addition to within the consecration of the articles of the Tabernacle (Exodus 30:26). The first function of anointing with the holy anointing oil was to set the Anointed individual or object aside or “Holy” for God’s use ONLY (Exodus 30:29). God additionally requested that the Israelites make particular choices to Him of “Spices for the ANOINTING Oil and the aromatic INCENSE” (Ex. 35: 1-8). Initially, the oil was used solely for the monks and the Tabernacle articles, however its use was later prolonged to incorporate kings (I Samuel 10:1). It was forbidden for use on an outsider or for use on the physique of any widespread individual. The Israelites had been forbidden to duplicate it for themselves (Ex. 30:33). The penalty was DEATH (Lev. 10:1-2).

We all know that when God anointed his Prophets (1 Kg. 19:16), Monks (Ex. 40:13), and Kings (1 Sam.16: 3,13) along with his Holy Anointing Oil, the Spirit of the Lord came across them in energy they usually may preach, prophesy, witness, carry out miraculous healings, see visions, and dream desires of the long run. These called-out ones would develop into totally different folks (2 Cor. 5:17). For instance, we see this occur when God’s prophet Samuel anoints Saul as King over Israel: “Then Samuel took a flask of olive oil and poured it on Saul’s head and kissed him, saying, “Has not the Lord ANOINTED you ruler over his inheritance? (1 Sam. 10:1). Samuel then tells Saul: “The Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you, and you’ll prophesy with them; and you’ll be became a special individual,” (1 Sam. 10:6-7). Seeing the repeated results of God’s Holy Anointing Oil, some have speculated that God’s particular recipe for this Holy Oil contained a supernatural substance from the Tree of Life within the Backyard of Eden.

THE TREE OF LIFE ~ Fruits of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23)

“On all sides of the river stood the Tree of Life, bearing twelve (12) crops of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. And the (Hashish) Leaves of the Tree are for the Therapeutic of the Nations,” (Rev. 22:1-2)

The “Tree of life” is a basic widespread theme in most of the world’s spiritual, mythological, and philosophical traditions. This sacred Tree is considered one of two particular timber first showing within the heart of the Backyard of Eden (Gen. 2:9-13) within the Land of KUSH (Ethiopia). God units this Tree aside as Holy (Hemp), and because the supply of the Sacred Fruit that provides everlasting life to Adam and Eve. It’s distinct from the tree of the data of fine and Evil or the “Tree of Demise.” The prophet Ezekiel confirms this: “Fruit timber of every kind will develop on each banks of the river”… “Their fruit will serve for meals and their leaves for Therapeutic,” (Ez. 47:12). The Tree of Life reappears as a part of the New Backyard of Eden with 12 forms of Sacred Fruit and leaves used for therapeutic. So, what are the consequences of those 12 fruit? The Tree of Life is related to Knowledge and Understanding (Professional. 3:13-18), and Righteousness (Professional. 11:30). The fruit of the Spirit are “Love, Pleasure, Peace, Endurance, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control,” (Gal. 5:22-23). Might these be the 12 fruits of this Tree?

Is it potential that God has and can proceed to make use of his medicinal and psychoactive pure timber and vegetation for therapeutic and non secular functions? Most of the medicines that we at the moment take had been derived from pure timber, vegetation, micro organism, and fungi (natural cures). For instance, Aspirin was found from the willow tree. Marijuana is a pure herb used for therapeutic right this moment to deal with many medical and psychological well being circumstances. It’s used to deal with: Epilepsy/Seizure Problems and Pores and skin ailments (referred to as demonic possession and leprosy within the Bible), Most cancers, Continual Ache, HIV/AIDS, Crohn’s Illness, A number of Sclerosis, Neurodegenerative Illness, Glaucoma, Arthritis and Insomnia, Anxiousness, Melancholy, PTSD and different Temper Problems. When marijuana is used, a state of gentle euphoria outcomes with elevated peaceable emotions of well-being, decreased aggression, heightened perceptual acuity, elevated self-confidence, creativity, and a slowed notion of time. This Sacred Herb can even dissolve our ego, enhance self-awareness, and promote a way of religious group.

So if Adam and Eve had ONLY eaten the White sticky “Hashish” tops from the Tree of Life, they might have lived in good well being with the Knowledge and Understanding of God’s Holy fruits. They might have lived ceaselessly in communion with God, in the event that they did not eat the forbidden fruit. Is it possible then, that the Tree of Life contained pure herbs (Ganja) and fruit that might develop human consciousness for people to commune and worship God? King Solomon compares his lovely bride to a backyard: “Your vegetation are… KANAH-Bos (Marijuana)… with each sort of Incense Tree… ” (Songs 4:13-14). Our Creator’s Hashish enhances our potential to see God’s magnificence in each physique and every part. Might this 7-point Hashish leaf Herb – be God’s good drugs and religious enhancer? (1 Enoch chp. 24-25). Can God use his Holy Herbs to tickle our brains, lower our anxiousness, improve our psychological readability, and promote bodily therapeutic? Did God direct Moses to do that?

HOLY KANAH-BOS (Biblical Hashish) ~ God’s Sacred Anointing “Hash” Oil Recipe

” Then the Lord mentioned to Moses, Take the next superb spices: 500 shekels of liquid Myrrh, half as a lot of aromatic Cinnamon, 250 shekels of aromatic KANAH-Bos (Hashish), 500 shekels of Cassia-all based on the sanctuary shekel-and a hin of olive oil… Will probably be the Sacred Anointing Oil,” (Ex.30:23-25)

God directed Moses and the Israelites to make Holy Anointing Oil, and he gave them the above recipe for it within the E-book of Exodus. The unique translation of the third ingredient within the Hebrew Bible is Kanah-bos. Nonetheless, in 3 B.C, the Hebrew Bible was translated into the Greek language (Septuagint Bible), and Kanah-bos was mistranslated into “Candy Calamus” (a poisonous toxic plant banned by the FDA in 1968). Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan confirms that Candy Calamus in Hebrew is “Kanah Bosem.” The Ben Yehuda Hebrew-English Dictionary, written by Eliezer Ben Yehuda, the daddy of recent Hebrew, additionally defines the Hebrew phrase “Kanabos” as hemp, a botanical relative of marijuana. This reality was additionally broadly recognized and confirmed again in 1936, by etymologist Sula Benet who wrote the treatise, “Tracing One Phrase By means of Completely different Languages.” Nonetheless, it was lined up by Narcotics commissioner, Harry Anslinger’s racial and political Conspiracy Marketing campaign and the Marijuana Tax Act in 1937. Additional proof in historic Assyrian Medical Tables (Cannabis), Mesopotamian paperwork (Haoma/Soma), and the Holy scriptures within the Bible itself (Ex. 30:23-25; Songs 4:10-15; Is. 43:24; Jer. 6:20; Ez. 27:19) has satisfied ministers, rabbis, botanists, archaeologists, anthropologists, and linguists – that Kanah-bos is what we name Marijuana (Sativa).

In our personal time, quite a few students have additionally come to acknowledge Kaneh-bos as an early reference to Hashish (Abel 1982, McKim, 1986, Ciarrocchi, 1993, Bennett et. al. 1995, Mathews, 2005, Russo, 2005, Ruck, 2009, and many others.). For more information see Video: Kanah Bosem The Hidden Story of Hashish and Biblical Cannabis in Africa – Graham Hancock. So, how may this Hashish-infused Holy “Hash Oil” have such intense psychoactive properties? Effectively, we all know that (1) shekel =.02517679 lbs. Because of this 250 shekels or the TetraHydroCannabinol (THC) of over 6 kilos of flowering Hashish tops had been extracted right into a hin (1.5 U.S. gallons) of Olive Oil. Scientific checks present that the transdermal (pores and skin) absorption results of this THC utilized topically would undoubtedly have been intense (The Pores and skin is the largest Organ of the Physique). The individuals who used this Holy Oil actually drenched themselves in it (1 Sam. 10:1). God informed Moses: “Say to the Israelites, ‘That is to be My Sacred ANOINTING Oil for the Generations to come back,” (Ex. 30:31). So, why would God need His chosen folks to be Anointed with Holy “Hashish” Oil? Might it probably be, as a result of that is the best way God created the human mind?

THE BRAIN’S WORSHIP ORGAN (third Eye) ~ An Endogenous Cannabinoid System-!

“The Mild of the physique is the Eye: if due to this fact thine Eye be Single, thy entire physique shall be filled with Mild,” (Mt. 6:22)

We’re created to WORSHIP-! “The place males are forbidden to honor or worship a King they worship millionaires, athletes, or film-stars as an alternative: even well-known prostitutes or gangsters. For religious nature, like bodily nature, can be served; deny it meals and it’ll gobble poison,” (C.S. Lewis). God has created inside us an Endogenous Cannabinoid System named after the Hashish plant. Marijuana molecules which might be naturally made inside our our bodies are referred to as endogenous cannabinoids. Researchers inform us that “endocannabinoids and their receptors are discovered all through the physique: within the mind, organs, connective tissues, glands, and immune cells. With its complicated actions in our immune system, nervous system, and nearly the entire physique’s organs, the endocannabinoids are actually a bridge between physique and thoughts,” (Getting Excessive on the Endocannabinoid System, NCBI-NIH). Our mind’s endocannabinoids empower us to do what God created us to do – WORSHIP HIM-! They assist to sluggish our notion of time – to enter the Kingdom of God’s dimension. That is the objective of “Mindfulness” meditation coaching. They enhance dopamine within the mind’s reward system (Heb. 11:6). Additionally they lower your motivation for worldly greed (Mt. 6:24) and materialism (Rom. 12:2). Researchers inform us that Endocannabinoids are launched within the “Runner’s Excessive,” and likewise in people after Sexual Orgasms (self.com/gallery/how-cannabis-affects-sex). The endocannabinoids launch our physique’s pure marijuana (eCBs), and this method is interconnected to our Pineal Gland.

Many consider that Jesus was alluding to the “Third-Eye” or the Pineal Gland within the verse above, as Jesus solely talks about ONE eye. Herophilus, the Greek doctor credited with the invention of the scientific technique – first noticed the mysterious PINEAL gland deep throughout the heart of our brains. The ancients referred to as it the “Third-eye, Gateway to Heaven, and the mind’s Holy of Holy’s human Spirit,” as a result of it seems to bridge our bodily and religious experiences right here on Earth. It’s formed like a pine cone (buds), therefore its’ latin identify “PINEAL.” This small light-sensitive endocrine gland within the mind comprises light-sensitive cells identical to the retina in our bodily eyes. It produces melatonin, a serotonin derived hormone which modulates sleep patterns. Specialists consider that our brains additionally naturally produce dimethyltryptamine once we dream. DMT is present in Ayahuasca- a “Religious Medication” (just like LSD & mescaline). DMT and Hashish are theorized to behave as tremendous inter-neuronal-connectors in our mind, that concurrently have an effect on each cell in our physique. It seems that the Pineal Gland acts as a “micro-chip” for us to enter God’s Kingdom to speak with him. Is the Pineal Gland our body-temple’s Holy of Holies?

Genesis particularly mentions a spot referred to as Peniel: “Jacob referred to as the place Peniel, saying, ‘It’s as a result of I noticed God nose to nose, and but my life was spared” (Gen. 32:30). Jacob wrestles all evening with God, and he’s commanded to alter his identify to Israel. Peniel means “Face of God” in Hebrew. God is Mild (1 Jn. 1:5), and Jesus mentioned, “I’m the Mild of the world,” (Jn. 8:12). In order Jesus mentioned, once we Singly repair our Thoughts’s Eye on the face of God – by CHRONIC-ally praying and meditating, our our bodies are filled with Mild (reality). The endocannabinoids inside our mind’s Holy of Holy’s and DMT are launched to boost our general communication with God by means of Prophecies, Visions, and Goals (Acts 2:17). So, we do not Want to make use of exterior Hashish to worship God – if we are able to be taught to Pray, Watch (visualize), Meditate (Jos. 1:8), and Consider – to place our Religion into motion (Heb. 11:1) to see God’s face. Remembering your Father’s face will hold you from temptation. Are you able to pray and watch (together with your Minds-Eye) the “Face of God” for One (1) Hour as Jesus was educating his Apostles to do (Mk.14:37)-?

God IS within the PRESENT MOMENT ~ Medical Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome

“Be nonetheless, and know that I’m God” (Ps. 46:10) – “Fragrance (Oil) and Incense carry pleasure to the Coronary heart,” (Ps. 27:9)

Earlier than the autumn from grace, Adam and Eve had been Spiritually Acutely aware beings. They thought solely concerning the Current Second with God – not the previous or the long run, they usually accepted all that God gave them pretty much as good (to incorporate the fruit from the Tree of Life). They felt safe and related to the timeless peace, pleasure and love of their creator and related to one another. God created inside them endocannabinoids (our our bodies pure marijuana) to reside within the Current Second after they worshipped God. After they consumed the forbidden fruit from the tree of the data of fine and evil – Sin, Demise and TIME entered their world, they usually turned Spiritually Degenerated beings. They began considering and feeling responsible and shameful about their PAST behaviors and began worrying and turning into fearful about their FUTURE. They might not settle for all issues pretty much as good anymore, as they might now choose good and unhealthy for themselves. Sin, Time, and Demise had altered their DNA, they usually felt disconnected from their very own our bodies, from others, and from God.


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